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Packaging with a conscience

The importance of eco-friendly packaging, where it goes and what we're doing.

Over the last few years, we’ve seen a steady increase in the popularity of game lodges in Southern Africa. The long term success of these lodges is largely dependant on their continued sustainability within their immediate environment.

Companies like And Beyond, Singita and many others in South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania are pioneering sustainable methods to reduce the negative impact on their surrounds. Many are using glass and aluminium water bottles in place of plastic, washing linen with eco-friendly detergents, harvesting the abundant solar energy and holding their suppliers of goods and services accountable for their production footprint.

With this in mind, we have yet another reason to continue improvements to our production and packaging methods. All Arkivio products are now packaged with unprinted, biodegradable sheet board, wrapped in Kraft paper and secured with gum tape. By the end of 2020, we aim to use cleverly designed packaging techniques to entirely eliminate the use of bubble wrap and other plastic protective materials.